High Volume Hiring

Utilize the technological vanguard offered by NTA to enhance the efficiency and simplifying hiring and constant process of selection.


Unified explication: massive terminus, coherent process, maximize efficiency for flexible transmission.


NTA offers every tool could need for individual assessment and acquiescence, irrespective of your diligence. Together with ensuring your safety, our experts will catch you up with any changes in rules and regulations.    

Servicing more than 44,000 clients, NTA has as the most trusted provider of safety and compliance programs since 1986. You can depend on us to assist you in creating a safe place to work.

Capitulation tool for Every sector:

Unify services to minimize expenses, allocate time for work, minimizes paper work.

Drug testing

Background Screening

Occupational health screening

Physical exams

Audiometric testing

DOT Driver Qualification Files

MVR Services

Motor Vehicle Records

MRO services

Mobile/ On-site Collections

Licensing and Permitting

Tax Recovery & Refund

Under one roof platform for staff assessment and acquiescence transmission.

NTA has helped a lot of companies across in comprehensive range since 1986. Our whole spectrum of provider services not just minimizes the expenses but also ensure the safety.

Our accomplished professionals will help you to shape an approach which will fulfil every guidelines  for company as well as governance.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Occupational Health Screening Services Offered

Services of Background Screening Offered:

Transportation Compliance


For More Information Contact Us Today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)​

In order to preserve professionalism and safety on set and during productions, drug testing for hige volume hiring compliance makes sure that people in the business—such as musicians, performers, and crew members—adhere to drug-free regulations.

Que 1: Which kind of recruitment is usually demanded by drug testing companies on large scale.

Ans 1: Recruiting employees on a large scale is usually demanded for the jobs like physicist, automated sample injector, keyboard operator, senior managers.

Que 2: How do we confirm that the person is fulfilling the qualification criteria to work with NTA?

Ans 2: We evaluate the new recruiter corroborate documentation and their biography and conduct a technical interview to ensure the capability of an individual.

Que 3: Which kind of difficulties drug testing companies faces during recruiting a candidates on large scale?

Ans 3:The management of enormous petition documents, applicant verification of quality, legal maintenance, and efficient handling of an abundance of specimens represent a few of the challenges.